Safety Data Sheet of Anhydrous Aluminum Trichloride.doc

News 25/09/2022 427

Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Aluminum Trichloride (anhydrous) Chemicals

Part I: Chemical Name

Chinese name of chemical: aluminum trichloride (anhydrous)

English name of chemical: aluminum trichloride


Molecular formula: AlCl3

Molecular weight: 133.35

Company name: Changzhou Zeya Chemical Co., Ltd

Address: Huangli Industrial Park, Huangli Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City

Postal code: 213151

Fax: 0519-898118138

Emergency telephone: 0519-83342138

Part II: Composition/information Main components: pure products


Part III:

Hazard overview Hazard category:

Invasion route:

Health hazard: This product has irritating effect on skin and mucous membrane. Inhalation of high concentration can cause bronchitis, and individual can cause bronchial asthma. When taken in large quantities by mistake, it may cause oral erosion, gastritis, gastric bleeding and mucosal necrosis.

Chronic effects: long-term exposure may cause headache, dizziness, anorexia, cough, nasal congestion, chest pain and other symptoms. Environmental hazards: explosion hazard: Part IV: First aid measures

Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothes immediately, and wash with plenty of flowing water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention.

Eye contact: immediately lift the eyelids and wash them thoroughly with a large amount of flowing water or normal saline for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention.

Inhalation: quickly leave the site to a place with fresh air. Keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration immediately. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Rinse with water and drink milk or egg white. Get medical attention.

Part V: Fire fighting measures

Hazard characteristics: it reacts with water or steam to release heat and produce toxic corrosive gas. It is corrosive to many metals, especially in the presence of humid air. Hazardous combustion products:

Fire fighting method: firefighters must wear acid and alkali resistant fire fighting clothes.

Fire extinguishing agent: dry sand. Do not use water.

Precautions and measures for fire fighting:

Part VI: Emergency Treatment for Leakage

Emergency treatment: isolate the leakage contaminated area and restrict access. It is recommended that emergency treatment personnel wear dust masks (full face masks) and acid and alkali proof work clothes. Do not touch the leakage directly.

Small amount of leakage: avoid raising dust and collect it in a closed container with a clean shovel.

Large amount of leakage: cover with plastic cloth and canvas. Remove under the guidance of experts.

Part VII: Precautions for handling and storage:

Storage precautions: Store in a cool, dry and well ventilated warehouse. Keep away from kindling and heat source. The relative humidity is kept below 75%. The package must be sealed against moisture. It shall be stored separately from combustibles, alkalis, alcohols, etc., and shall not be mixed. It should not be stored for a long time to avoid deterioration. The storage area shall be equipped with appropriate materials to contain the leakage.

Part VIII: Exposure Control/Personal Protection

Maximum allowable concentration: China MAC: no standard;

The former Soviet Union MAC: 2 [Al] monitoring method:

Engineering control: closed operation, local ventilation. Provide safety shower and eyewash equipment.

Respiratory system protection: self suction filter type dust mask should be worn in case of possible exposure to dust, and air respirator is recommended in case of emergency rescue or evacuation.

Eye protection: wear chemical safety goggles.

Body protection: wear rubber acid and alkali resistant clothes.

Hand protection: wear rubber acid and alkali resistant gloves.

Other protection: smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited at the work site. After work, take a shower and change clothes. Store the clothes contaminated by poisons separately and use them after washing. Keep good hygiene habits.

Part 9: Physical and chemical properties

Appearance and properties: white particles or powder, with strong smell of hydrochloric acid. Industrial products are light yellow. PH:

Melting point (℃): 190 (253kPa) Boiling point (℃): no data Relative density (water=1): 2.44 Relative vapor density (air=1): no data Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 0.13 (100 ℃)

Combustion heat (kJ/mol): meaningless Critical temperature (℃): no data Critical pressure (MPa): no data

Logarithmic value of octanol/water partition coefficient: no data Flash point (℃): meaningless ignition temperature (℃): meaningless upper explosion limit% (V/V): meaningless lower explosion limit% (V/V): meaningless

Solubility: easily soluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, slightly soluble in benzene.

Main applications: used as catalyst in organic synthesis, preparation of aluminum organic compounds and metal refining. Other physical and chemical properties:

Part 10: Stability and Reactivity Stability: Conditions to Avoid Contact:

Prohibited substances: flammable or combustible substances, alkalis, water, alcohols. Polymerization hazard: decomposition products:

Part XI: Toxicological data

Acute toxicity: LD50: 3730mg/kg (rat oral), LC50: no data, subacute and chronic toxicity: irritation:

Sensitization: Mutagenicity: Teratogenicity: Carcinogenicity: Others:

Part 12: Ecological data Ecotoxicological toxicity: biodegradability: non biodegradability: bioaccumulation or bioaccumulation: other harmful effects:

Part XIII: Nature of waste disposal:

Waste disposal method: dispose according to relevant national and local regulations. Or contact the manufacturer or manufacturer to determine the disposal method. Disposal precautions:

Part 14: Transport information Dangerous goods No. 81045UN No. 1726 Packing mark: Packing category: O52

Packaging method: plastic bag or two-layer kraft paper bag with full opening outside or steel barrel with middle opening; Screw mouth glass bottle, iron cap pressure mouth glass bottle, plastic bottle or ordinary wooden box outside metal barrel (can). Precautions for transportation:

Part 15: Regulatory Information

Domestic regulations on the safety management of chemicals: Regulations on the Safety Management of Dangerous Chemicals (issued by the State Council on February 17, 1987), Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Safety Management of Dangerous Chemicals (HLF [1992] No. 677), Regulations on the Safe Use of Chemicals in the Workplace (LBF [1996] No. 423) and other regulations, which have made corresponding provisions on the safe use, production, storage, transportation, loading and unloading of dangerous chemicals; The classification and mark of commonly used hazardous chemicals (GB13,690-92) classify the substance as Class 8.1 acid corrosion products.